There are two components to optimizing your site for search engines. On-site SEO tactics like the proper use of Title and Description MetaTags, using keywords with appropriate density, adding key phrases in H1, H2 tags and in bulleted text and a whole host of other techniques. The second being off-site SEO tactics. More on this later.
As most people know, on-site SEO takes time to take effect. If you rely solely on these tactics, you may be waiting months before Google and other search engines index your site or blog.
Is there a way faster way to get Google to index your site? You betcha! Using some proven off-site SEO tactics can get your site indexed in a matter of days or less than two weeks. There are documented success stories out there where Google indexed a new site in as little as a few hours after launch.
Let’s define off-site SEO first. It pretty much revolves around building in-coming links to your site. Gone are the days when you could just buy thousands of links from link farms. Search engines have become too smart for that. You need to get high-quality backlinks in order move up in the search engine ranks. That usually means getting links to your site from other sites that have a high PageRank, or sites that are updated often and are crawled frequently by search engine spiders.
The good news is that there are plenty of ways to get these types of quality links to your site without paying a penny. Here are seven off-site SEO tips you can implement today at no cost:
1. Pinging: One of the easiest ways to get indexed quickly is to ping your site. Two most popular pinging sites are and
Just add your site’s name and URL, and leave the RSS feed link blank. (It’s not necessary.) Sometimes this technique alone can get you indexed in a day or two. Next, you should submit your link to various social bookmarking sites.
If you use Wordpress for your blog, log into your admin panel and go to Settings > Writing. Scroll down until you see Update Services. Add the following to your list:
2. Social bookmarking: Popular social media sites like StumbleUpon, Digg,, and Slashdot are crawled several times a day. So they can be a very good way to get your own site crawled and indexed quickly. You should get an account at all of the major bookmarking sites. If you use Wordpress, add a plugin like Sociable to bookmark all your posts.
3. Blog commenting: This can be a very good way to get indexed quickly. You’ll need to find blogs that don’t have the “nofollow” tag, because blogs that have “nofollow” won’t let search engines crawl the links anyway. SEO experts are split over this – some say the “nofollow” tag doesn’t matter, since some search engine spiders ignore them anyway. Others claim you may get a small amount of traffic from the blogs themselves, but “nofollow” blogs will do nothing to help you get indexed faster.
4. Forums: Popular forums have had posts on their site show up on Google just minutes after they’re posted. It’s very common for posts on very popular forums to be in Google in less than 24 hours. Posting a small link in your signature on some of these forums can help you get your site indexed quickly.
5. Link exchange: Exchange links with other webmasters in your niche. Not only is this a great way to build backlinks, but if their sites are crawled often, chances of your site being crawled and indexed quickly go up too. Link exchanges won’t penalize your site, either – unless you build too many, too quickly. Stick with a natural growth pattern (a few a day) and it won’t raise any red flags with the search engines.
6. Press releases (PR): PR can be very helpful in getting your site crawled and indexed quickly. Most of the popular press release sites have very good Page Rank and are crawled often. They can even get your press release posted on a number of different sites that pull news from the PR directories. Sometimes it can be worth submitting a press release simply for the speed and the ease of getting your site indexed. (See Writing Press Releases for Web 2.0.)
7. Article marketing: Not one of the faster ways of getting your site indexed but is another way to get high-quality backlinks. Submitting an article or two can also help you get targeted traffic to your site. Many article directories have very good PageRank, so it definitely has benefits other than just quick indexing.
Try these seven off-site SEO tactics to get your site indexed faster than just using on-site SEO strategies.